Open Call is an initiative to support music creators in laboratory-style commissions; offering opportunities to challenge compositional practice, explore new ways of working, and provoke dialogue with audiences. In 2020, Spitalfields Music and Rich Mix will support three artists to develop a new piece of work towards to a public work-in-progress showing in June 2020.
Supported by Help Musicians UK’s National Grants Programme, Open Call is part of our commitment to offer opportunities to as wide a range of artists as possible, supporting the most exciting musicians from all backgrounds. The scheme is specifically aimed at supporting BAME, women, trans and non-binary music creators; and artists with a disability.
We want to work with artists who are critical thinkers, who create work that pushes boundaries and explores new ways to connect with audiences. We are looking for music creators who want to explore big ideas facing our world, who want to create work that is relevant and integral to people’s lives and who want to challenge perceptions of how music can be created, performed and experienced. We welcome music creators at all stages of their career, but specifically those who recognise a need for new impetus to stretch their creative practice.
This year we are asking people to respond to the following provocation: Metamorphosis and Transformation.
There was an Open Call Introductory Workshop on Thursday 9 January at Rich Mix, which explored the provocation with leading composers, producers and the Open Call team. We designed the workshop to stimulate conversation and debate, and to support you to develop your ideas before sending your final proposal. We shared our ambitions for the project and what we are looking for in applications.
We filmed the workshop, and you can find links to the films here
Applications for Open Call 2020 have now closed.
If you have any questions about Open Call, please contact Matthew on ku.gro.cisumsdleiflatips@kooc.wehttam
For more information about previous years’ Open Call click here