As we move into the festive season, inevitably our thoughts turn to those who are not as fortunate, and in particular the young people growing up in our neighbourhood. The five local schools we’ve ‘adopted’ over the years tell us that their pupils increasingly need ways to build their personal confidence and emotional resilience, alongside time to develop their creativity, take time out from the ‘core’ subjects and simply have fun – as children should. Sadly, schools can no longer afford to pay for those opportunities, so young people are missing out. It might shock you as much as it did me to learn that there was not a single candidate for A Level music from Tower Hamlets last year. That’s unbelievably sad, because young people in this borough are no less talented – it’s simply about lack of opportunity.
One donation, twice the impact!
So, what can we do? This year, we’ve decided to focus our Big Give Christmas Challenge campaign on our Neighbourhood Schools Programme. Between 3 and 10 December we are aiming to raise £20,000 to enable us to partner with schools across Tower Hamlets to address the challenges outlined above through a series of bespoke creative projects, designed to nurture the creativity and talent of 5-18 year olds. Thanks to The Childhood Trust, and some generous individuals, all donations to our Neighbourhood Schools Programme will be doubled if you donate online via theBigGive.org.uk. Your support will go directly to things such as a talented Music Leader to lead sessions, or paying for instruments for us to use in projects.
From 12.00 pm 3 December to 12.00 pm 10 December, head over to our page on The Big Give website and find out how to donate. If you would like to know more about Neighbourhood Schools or any other information on our fundraising, please contact ku.gro.cisumsdleiflatips@ofni.