Creative Encounters: Year Two, Chapter 2, Part 1

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by Lucy Steggals, Visual Artist

Blue Play

We are back!
G is hiding he doesn’t want to play today he feels blue.
The other G is dressed dapperly in the very same colour, but in a lighter shade.
He is smiling.
The painting began in pinks and yellows. D wondered where blue was but was afraid to ask. Blue doesn’t bite.
L asked for her and we added blue. D thought it worked in swoops, sweeps and curves but not in jagged lines.
L was rolling words and pictures from before Christmas.
H sent her red a line.
She sent back a firework.
It spun and danced to the music for some time.
A little risky, but not excessively so.
B played the log drum and I rattled seed pods perfectly whilst D danced.
L waved from the window; she had stayed for the whole session this time.
Gently reminding us of the beauty of rain; how cheerful is to be together and that there is only one life, this one.
